I've always been the type of person who rush through things, always wanting to rush to the next destination. When i was a in gradeschool, i couldn't wait to get to highschool, i thought life was going to be so much better once i was in highschool. Then that time came, still i couldn't wait to grow up. My first real boyfriend was when i was 14 years old, i was just in second year high school then, and that lasted for 9 years. Basically, half of my whole educational life. Then after we broke up, met my next boyfriend after a month then got together after 4 months, broke up then got back together then broke up again, which lead me to realize, half my life i've been rushing from one relationship to another and never really had time to spend on myself. I've been so accustomed to being with someone that i've neglected to spend time getting to know myself. I realized that instead of rushing through my life, a life that once you reached your destination, you cannot rewind or go back anymore, i should just enjoy myself and focus on myself and in improving myself so that i could make better choices that would lead me to a better destination. While of course having fun LOL
People spend time focusing on the destination and disregarding the journey. It's just like the story about the pot of gold in the end of the rainbow, you are so consumed with reaching the pot of gold that you fail to realize your life does not start there, it has already started way before that and by focusing yourself on your goals, you fail to enjoy getting there which when you think about it, is most part of your life. You always want to skip to a new chapter and in the end when you get there, you want to skip to a new chapter again and after awhile you will realize that there are no new chapters anymore and that you have spent your life fast forwarding everything instead of sitting back, being patient and just enjoying the ride because soon enough you will get there.
People spend their time rushing through life not knowing what to do with the time they saved.
My parents used to tell me to enjoy being a student, it's the best time of your life, but the over eager person that i was, wanted to grow up fast. My parents also told me to enjoy being single, it only comes once in your life, but the over eager me again, wanted to be in a relationship so early on that i begged them to allow me. Looking back, now i understand what they are saying and i sure am glad that i finally got it before its too late. Now that i'm still single, this is the time for me to focus on myself, discover and try new things, enjoy new experiences and just be selfish and not have anybody to mind but myself. The possibilities are endless at this point because i have only myself to think about and have yet to start and write the other half of my life.
The best is yet to come.
Sooner or later, you will meet someone, have a partner and settle down and your life will not anymore be your own so savor this time of not having to mind anybody but yourself. Sooner than you think, that time will come, that chapter will come, and you can never go back to this time and will regret it if you didn't make the most out of this opportunity of having your time at your own disposal and making decisions that will benefit you without having to think about other people.
Your direction determines your destination.
Everyone ends up somewhere, but not everyone ends up somewhere they want to be.
This is the time to focus on yourself and find out what you want to be, where you want to be and most importantly who you want to be. What life do you want for yourself and what will make you happy and determine and plan how you can get there.
I've always believed we don't get to a destination by accident, its a culmination of our choices and decisions that leads us to where we are and where we will be in the future. Life is not that random, and that we always reap what we sow. Get to know yourself and what you want in your life to be able to plant the right seeds and get to the right destination.
An abundant life is a life with no regrets. Doing what you like is freedom, but liking what you do.. that's happiness:)
Anyway, these are just my thoughts in lieu of the retreat i attended. All my opinion and with no basis whatsoever, just babbling:) LOL
*i'm too lazy to proofread, if there's any typo or grammatical errors