Thursday, February 16, 2012

my thoughts on books.

People are sometimes like books, if the first 2 pages doesn't strike you, why bother reading the whole thing? The first two pages are CRUCIAL. It's suppose to be the "hook". I've often ditched countless of books, be it award winners or chic lits because of the first 2 pages. I mean, i'm reading this for pleasure and i'm not exactly pleased with what i'm reading, why then should i take the trouble to read more with the hopes that it will get better in the middle? What if it doesn't? I mean, there are countless of books out there, why submit yourself and force yourself to read this one. Unless of course its compulsory like school books. But seriously, just because you already have the book, doesn't mean you have to succumbed yourself into reading it, and by golly even finishing it because you've already gone that far into it.

You've already wasted your money, now you plan on wasting your time too?

STOP. Put that book down. for dramatic purpose throw it in the rubbish for all i care. Go to the bookstore and look for another book to read.

There are so many books out there that touches your spirit, teaches you something valuable, inspires you. Something that once you read, will change you forever. You will never be the same person again and it will change your perception, your vision, your attitude. Or maybe it will be the chic lit that would just bring you a few giggles and laugh, some little happiness to cheer you up. Nevertheless, it HAS to bring you something, some kind of change, of emotion other than boredom of course.
I mean its boring not to be doing anything but its really tragic to be bored while doing something you supposedly like, like reading.

Because once you found the right book, something that brings you a great deal of happiness or something that inspires you, you will be asking yourself, What the hell was i doing reading that other one? ARGHHH.

Different strokes for different folks. (but these are examples of what i dumped and what i kept):


1. Chasing Harry Winston
2. The House of Spirits
3. The Shack

*yes, i know these were all "bestsellers" wasn't sold though, sorry.*


1. Something borrowed ( It's hilarious! sorry)
2. Lolita
3. Memoirs of a Geisha
4. Tuesdays with Morrie
*not my ultimate favorites, just ticked off some i really enjoyed reading*

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